Lost amidst the giggling going on because Brett Favre is texting his wishes these days was a more serious and disturbing turn of events that could send ripples through the Chicago-sports landscape and the rest of the nation as well, not in the ways one might first think though.
Holiday weekends are always fanatical times. The Fourth of July might top the list, especially in Chicago when it is coupled with the Taste of Chicago, a ten-day food festival celebrating the obesity and grease-covered restaurants that decorate Chicago. This past weekend was no different as nine different people suffered what police describe as “violent deaths,” one coming about a mile away from the Taste grounds.
I chose not to partake in the festivities this past weekend but I know several people, including my sister, who enjoyed the fireworks Thursday night. Obviously when you get a larger than normal group of people together, bad things are bound to happen. I get it, that’s “human nature,” if that even makes any sense.
Thing is though this was after Chicago police talked about upping the ante in terms of security for the weekend. And this is after the fact that Chicago has been named a finalist to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. And this is before the dream (or fact in my Cubbie eyes, sorta) World Series matchup pitting the Cubs and White Sox in a showdown for the ages. Do you see where I am going?
Chicago is a violent city, just like any major city. We are normally not on “Most Dangerous City” lists because of the weird way the Chicago Police Department tracks certain crimes. It seems as though when the spotlight shines bright on the Windy City, the blemishes come out and we see them in full light. Everybody always points to riots after good things happen, such as what happened during the Bulls’ dynasty years or let’s even stretch it back to when the Bears won their first Super Bowl during the 1985 season. Or even a happy time like the Fourth of July.
I believe most non-sports fans understand the magnitude of a Cubs-White Sox World Series. It would be total pandemonium. North Side versus South Side, Addison versus 35th, LenandBob versus HAWK and DJJJJJJ. Seriously, are you kidding me? This city would burn down, possibly in thought and hopefully not physically. Mac, Jurko & Harry, an afternoon sports radio show on ESPN 1000, talked on their show of the city possible curving alcohol sales during a possible matchup. How would that run with the Loveable Losers and Grinder Nation? Kind of sad, but still, welcome to Chicago and America world!
And then the Olympics. Mayor Daley has been flaunting our great city like it’s some Prom Queen and he is ready to rock and roll. OK Chief. This actually could be a whole different animal to tame, pretty hard to imagine in comparison to Cubs-White Sox. We are talking every nation in the world coming on our soil to compete in the Summer Games for the first time since 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia, which we all know had its own set of problems. And that’s Atlanta! We are comparing Hot-lanta to the Chi? Oh no. Think about this way: population density wise, Chicago nearly quadruples Atlanta per square mile. That’s beefy.
I know lots of people are gung-ho about the possibilities Chicago faces in the near future. Part of me is, no doubt. The idea of the Cubs slapping around the Grinders down south is amazing. Ditto for the Olympics (although it always seems Olympic host cities always want the games but when they come, they complain of how nuts it quickly gets). However, a part of me is scared out of my mind and not ready for Chicago to showcase “how we roll.” Not when we turn the news on every day and see the garbage we are accustomed to seeing. Not when we pick up a newspaper and read the garbage we are accustomed to reading. It’s a reflection of the times we live in but it goes deeper than that and affects more things than just Chicago. We as citizens need to realize this and address the problems while we still can before the whole world jumps on top of us come this October and possibly again in several years. The ride is just starting fellow Chicagoans, let’s brace ourselves.
How many deaths were there the night the Red Sox won the world series?
Back in 2004, one death.
Celtics just won also and a fan died during that celebration as well.
111 people were injured during the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, one died from a heart attack soon after.
In 2004, a Patriots fan was struck by a drunk driver when celebrating.
This stuff goes on everywhere. One thing to remember: The Celtics won the Championship in Boston. The Red Sox did not and the Patriots obviously never did as well. If the Cubs and White Sox play, it will be nuts no matter where, even in the middle.
Info on Celtics fan:
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